Has something ever happened and you looked at yourself with a surprise? Like why in the heck did I do that? Why am I feeling like this? How did I not see this?… Well I know I did. Just recently. So it got me curious as to what is it in my particular personality DNA that makes me act and feel the way that I act and feel!
****My coach (yes even coaches need coaches!) posted something about her test results so I looked back at mine!!…I’m going to borrow some of her info that she shared on the facts of this personality type because I am her exact same profile! And she’s a certified Myers Brigg coach:)****
This is especially helpful in group coaching situation to have a little introspection… I’m in that situation right now as well. We can’t have a fundamental understanding dynamics until we understand who’s in the group! And what makes them tick! So I went back to an assessment that I took not too long ago fun personality. The good old Myers Briggs test and Here are my results!… This explains a lot. LOL I had forgotten how I show up sometimes in the world… And that I can get better and change on areas that I need improvement… Which is a lot! 🙂 ENFP – often considered the world’s most “charismatic” personality?
. Their words… Not mine!
First, a bit about the 4 letters that make up a person’s Myers-Briggs type:
The first letter is either an “E” or an “I.” This first position refers to whether you get your energy primarily from the outer world (“Extraversion” – yes, spelled with an “a”) or from your inner world (Introversion).
The second letter is an “N” or an “S.” The “N”’s refers to iNtuition and “S” to Sensing. These reference how we gather data about our world. Some of us gather data by looking at patterns, themes, and the big picture. Others gather data primarily through sensory input, i.e., our 5 senses: sight, sound, touch, taste and smell.
The third letter, “T” or “F,” refers to how we make decisions or judgments about the data we’ve gathered, either by evaluating it logically, rationally, and based on a set of standard rules that we stick to (Thinking), or by evaluating it more qualitatively, intuitively, or based on feelings, unique circumstances, or how the decision will impact people (Feeling).
The fourth and final letter is a “P” or a “J.” “P” is for Perceiving, and means the person prefers the SENSING function (position 2), AKA: gathering information; “J” stands for Judging, which simply means that the person prefers the decision-making function (position 3), AKA: drawing conclusions about the information they’ve gathered.
Now, keep in mind that ALL of these are totally neutral – there’s no better or worse way to be. And sometimes we can get surprised by our results, which is what happened to me.!!!! I was surprised on the F part because I see myself as more of a pragmatic and logical black-and-white kind of person. But it had me showing up as being very intuitive and knowing when I’m presented with facts that are suspect or skewed in someway… And instead of reading energy… So that made sense after all!
This discovery – and my own blindness to my own true nature – took me by surprise, and explained a LOT about the challenges I’d been facing in my business and in Key relationships. It was such a powerful revelation that I decided I wanted to focus my gifts on helping OTHERS gain similar insights.
This is likely what instinctively led me into my coaching career. !
And now here are the 5 signs YOU’RE an ENFP!
#1 – We are often “in the middle of the party.”
If you find yourself at times as the center of attention and LOVE to have a good time
If people are drawn to you – and you are magnetized right back to them
If you like events and gatherings and social situations
If you’re loud – though rarely in an aggressive way and more often in a raucous, fun-loving way.
If you have lots of friends and acquaintances and make new friends wherever you go.
#2 – ENFPs are future-focused lovers of humanity.
We see the world as an abundance of possibilities, and we tend to like ALL of the possibilities… more than we could ever pursue in one lifetime – though we often TRY anyway.
#3 – We are rebellious.
We prefer to create our own rules!!. People might say we “color outside the lines” and “think outside the box.”
#4 – We’re messy, distractible and sometimes (oftentimes) indecisive. 🤣

We can be disorganized and disheveled. We tend to lose things and are often late to appointments and meetings – probably because we’re so busy focusing on all those amazing ideas and possibilities that we want to pursue! This means it can be hard for us to choose – because we see the amazing possibilities in everything (see #1).
#5 – We get bored easily. !!!!
We like new people, new places, and new experiences. Which means we can often move from one thing to the next pretty quickly.
So while we LOVE people, we can sometimes lose touch and form superficial relationships, rather than deep ones. This is more likely to happen when we’re stressed, anxious, or worried.
At our best, however, we are loyal friends. (Loyal to a fault)! 🤷🏻♀️