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Success and Building the Plane While It’s In Flight.

Writer's picture: Karen BaldridgeKaren Baldridge
The power of now

If you waited until you knew everything about anything you wanted to do; would you really ever get off the couch to do it? Thoughts and dreams without action equals bedtime and journal full of wishful ramblings. That’s where your best ideas will stay unless you consider putting action behind them.

Reality Check

We all are inherently risk averse. Many of us have people depending on us to produce and succeed… so how could we afford to be so risky? I submit that if we are being strongly pulled towards a different career or life path… can we really afford not to? Consider looking ahead ten years from now, if you are still working a job {career} and life that does not fulfill you and it’s become rather mechanical day after day; can you stomach what that will look like for you knowing you just wasted another ten years of your life merely surviving?

Inspired by Thrivers

Some are already “in their swim lane” and can’t identify with this restlessness. This is great! For instance, I know of a remarkable executive of a very large company, who recently crossed paths with my husband and while my husband commented about the fact that it was Friday and that meant that the weekend was here, this executive said: “You know why I like Fridays? Because it means that there’s only two days until Monday and I get to come back and do what I love!” Remarkable! Now that is somebody who has the life and career they are supposed to have! Amazing. You don’t hear that type of infectious enthusiasm all the time. Why? I would say that most of us are diligent and responsible and live to check the boxes and live comfortably and keep our heads down and do the right thing. But not many of us will reach the levels of career and life fulfilment that we seek because we don’t/won’t take a step out of that comfort zone to put ourselves out there. We will never know if we’ll actually sink or swim. I know this story because this is {was} my story.

How To Build the Plane While in Flight

When making a leap into a totally different career and life path, there will be plenty of things that you don’t know but sometimes you just need to follow your instincts. If you wait to know everything you will most likely never do anything. You don’t have to jump in completely and quit your full-time job but it could be a gradual building. Here are some things that could inspire you out of the starting gate and into the race:

• “Exemplification is the greatest teacher” – Seeing somebody else succeed in the thing you want to do is like jet fuel for the soul. It makes it real and makes it possible. Start reading and listening to podcasts of other people that have done it. You’ll never want to look back. Face your fears – When starting your own business there is never a day without fear. Ever. You will always be thinking “I have no idea what I am doing” “Why am I doing this; am I crazy?”. You need to rise up and meet those fears with courage and determination to succeed. Plain and simple. It all starts with the conversation in your own mind. Believe in you first and show up for yourself every single day. Relentless optimism – Once you start this process you have to have absolute commitment to optimism and positive thinking. There will be many people lining up to tell you why this idea won’t work and to poke holes in your business plan. But sometimes, you just know that you know it will work and that is often times very hard to communicate to the over-logical people out there “trying to help you”. Never get caught up in their pessimism. Take the good advice and leave the rest. Leadership is best learned when it’s necessary – I read this in an article and very much connected with its message. How many different situations in life do you just have to figure things out as you go…Parenting? Is there a manual for day to day predictable parenting? Positively not. You must figure things out as you go and some you get right the very first time and some things you just swing an you miss. It’s undeniable though that the mistakes you make when you are “in charge” are likely never going to be made again because leading is different than following. You must get it right or learn.

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