Despise Not the Day of Small Beginnings
Success is whatever you frame it to be in your mind! It simply cannot be defined by anybody else UNLESS you let it!
Don’t give the power and control of your daily success ratio to anybody else …but you. If you give your emotions and feelings away to other people to meet then you have given your power to them to control your happiness and your life trajectory! Simply put….STOP BEING A VICTIM….STOP BEING A CRUMB-TAKER. You get to now decide how you want to feel in any given situation regardless of what somebody “does to you”. It’s up to you to respond in a way that empowers you not deflates and devalues you! Do successful people that you look up to because of their accomplishments, quit when one person gives them negative feedback? Or do they fold on their dreams or life’s work because somebody didn’t support them??? NO…they persevered and turned it into rocket fuel to propel them to their success..obviously! So why should you be defined by what somebody thinks of you or how they treat you? Why do we take that on a personal narrative which only leads to being depressed everyday…why do we allow others to shape our opinions of ourselves so darn easily?? We don’t have to!…Clean up the clutter in your mind, clean up your boundaries, make yourself the main entree instead of a side dish in your own life then other people will treat you as such too!! It’s that easy…I wish I would have known this all earlier…but I know it now! Listen up.