Photo by Tina Nord on Pexels.com
Everyone has their story. You can name the few times in your life when the paradigm shifted. This is the very raw and truthful story of how I found awareness…and ultimately alignment with what is supposed to be my life path. The path that was meant for me but I just didn’t know it was out there nor did I know it was possible. Living in a place of abundance is not something I ever wish to give up nor do I take it for granted. I hope the same thing for you. If this can plant a seed in you in some small way that there just might be something more out there for you….than I’ve done my job! I hope you find the best version of yourself too! ****Had a few technical difficulties in this podcast episode…but it’s the content I wanted to get out there today…..I hope this helps somebody find their bliss!”
Stumbling Into Place: “The Great Awakening”