Happiness Presentation- <<<<<<———- PRESS HERE TO BEGIN
I made a happy little presentation to show just how easy it ultimately was for me to find renewed purpose in my life. I’m going to be organizing a virtual retreat about happiness and finding new hope for the next act of your life. So I created this little presentation that hits the high points and can provide a take away. I just wish I would have been made aware of this understanding of life; 10 years ago. But, alas it will be my mission to raise the awareness of the younger generations who can then reach even higher heights and achieve even more armed with this incredible insight and intellectual weaponry! This also goes out to all of my other people who are going through other transitions in your life, new careers, empty nest, divorce, 40’s fog…blah life. I’ve got your back. I understand, I’ve been there. Invest in yourself, you are absolutely worth it and you will be amazed at what can happen in your life!