Have you ever felt, “Is there more out there for me” or “Is this it”, If so, you are not alone and I’m here to serve you notice that the time for action is now. The difference between people like Steve Jobs and some of us, is he acted on his hunches, dreams intuitions for more….and we haven’t. We are not all of the highest intelligence as perhaps Steve Jobs, but he would have left this world with all that intelligence inside of him and we would not have benefited from his contributions to society if he would not have acted, followed his gut and let the path just fall into place for him. Do you want to feel that feeling of living at a high personal level and living your most fulfilled life?…Act on it. How to get started:
Identify your Fears – This is absolutely the foundation and ultimate launching pad to building your new career or pursuing a new life path of any type. What is holding you back? It could be a whole combination of different types of rational and irrational fears that are quietly impeding your forward momentum. Fear of failure? Fear of not being as good as somebody else? Fear of the unknown? Fear of stepping outside the box of convention? Get quiet with yourself and close it down for a while and just look inward and it will reveal itself to you…believe me. You will notice patterns in your life emerging and some will be surprising and some will not. Just block out the noise of life and commit to this exercise first and foremost.
Reset your Mindset – Now that you’ve begun to see what makes you do what you do and act how you act, you can now rework your thought life to be more in alignment with your purpose and goals. Your thoughts have the power to give life to your dreams or to completely destroy and crush them and everything else in their path. It is imperative to be conscious over what your thoughts are and then change them to align with your target goal. I connected immediately to a simple quote from motivational icon Louise Haye “It’s just a thought, and a thought can be changed”. For example: “How can I do this I don’t even know exactly what I’m doing and there are so many other people out there doing it better than I could.” you can change that thought to “I will figure this out because I am just as capable as anyone else of doing this, so I’m just going for it!” See…doesn’t that feel better and more empowering?
Visualizing your End Goal- What do you want success to look like in this new endeavor? What is the end game? As humans we all have genetic coding and innate gifts and talents that we are born with, however, sometimes as life begins to play out, those details in your infrastructure get covered by life experiences and other distractions and we lose our way. The fact remains though that if when you were small and you could throw that baseball far and with the greatest of ease or you could just draw an amazing picture with correct scale and coloring skills at age 2..then chances are you were just gifted that way. So when it comes to having that feeling of wanting to do more or do something different…a longing even…it is probably the prompting of your inner-self ready to emerge in your life at this time. Pay attention to this. Give it some thought and time and ask yourself over and over what do I really want to do and what would my perfect dream career or relationship look like and to no surprise it will probably involve some component of your natural abilities that has always been with you and patiently waiting for you to give it some attention. Can you see it?
Act Now! – Do something…do it now. If you’ve come this far with it but don’t act you risk going back to the sidelines of your life with all of the other spectators and to your comfortable complacency zone. You might just end up living and dying with the dreams and talents left inside of you. There is only one you. You are unique, there maybe many other writers, CEOs, pastry chefs, stylists etc. but there is only one you. Somebody somewhere is going to want to hear from you because they will just connect with what, or how you are doing what you are doing. They are waiting for you. You may be using the same construct as others before you, but your ideas and motivations, and your “why’s” are different and unique. Help us discover your gifts and leave us better than you found us. We’re waiting for you. Do something everyday. Write your goals down so they are more real and tangible. Make a video on your phone to practice for your success, journal about it, prepare the rest of your life and your home to align for this major shift that WILL happen if you ACT!